Textures include our Alpha (easy to carry), Beta (very aggressive), Gamma (easy to carry), Delta (great overall texture for carry and grip), Omega (semi-aggressive, can get caugh on shirts), Sigma (semi-aggressive, great overall), and Zeta (great overall).
- Grip texture only
- Grip texture plus undercut (list single or double in notes)
- Grip plus full package: includes undercut, combat cuts, finger groove removal (MUST list which options you want in the notes - not responsible for notes not left correctly)
To order, You can order online, or simply print the order form at the top of the page or copy the link below. Complete the form, mail in with your frame and we can arrange for payment once your frame is complete.
Shipping/Order form: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/6ba25a_81fa0a300a64483ea9710fa3abe7e77a.pdf
Stippling Packages